Versioning; something I have hated lont time ago. I never believed in versioning and its importance till I had to do it myself. Another thing I wondered about for a long time 'Does SW vendors have to remove the original old product that we lived with, liked, and loved that much ? ' I never believed they have to, till I had this experience myself with my lovely
If you do not know yet, was part of my master experience. Thanks to ALLH, I had my master thesis finished. is the web site I have as an implementation of my tasks.
But now, it is time to take down to present a new thing. A new thing that matches the new era. Era of: Mobile.
I will not say any more about my lovely except that it is coming back, more powered, more stronger, more prettier, and more... Mobile.
Thank You my lovely web site, I am working on the new version now. Wait for me soon.
Haitham A. El-Ghareeb