- Top-Down: I think about this approach as the one that starts by designing the interfaces, and building the system that fits and satisfies those interfaces. This approach has the advantage of getting users satisfactions and limiting clients' expectations before implementations. Unfortunately, this approach fits well only with new systems.
- Bottom-Up: We start defining current Information System components, study system requirements, design the suitable database and services, then compose the interface that fits those designs. This approach fits the scenario where we need to edit current/existing systems, or we think about Information Systems in the form of Services. It is great in integrating different systems.
- Agile: It is the combination of both in a certain way that enhanced programming and teams collaborations [i].
1. Student
ID, University_ID, Name
2. Course
ID, Title, Description
3. Assessment
ID, Title, Course ID
4. MCQ Items
ID, Question, Choice 1, Choice 2, Choice 3, Choice 4, Correct Choice, Assessment ID
5. True False Items
ID, Question, Answer, Assessment ID
6. Student Results
Stuudent ID, Assessment ID, Date, Result
7. Passowrds
Student ID, Password
I have highlighted Foreign Key relationships in the red color[iii]. I am so suspicious regarding students and their welling to pass passwords to each other, so I thought about the following: I will take the passwords away from students table, generate passwords automatically, and make it available to them, either before assessment [iv] or at the time of taking the exam. Making passwords with me at the exam time gives me the option of assuring that everyone is taking only her/his password.
[i] Ask Seyam for more details. His master thesis is about "Agile Methodologies"
[ii] Ask Codd, C. J. Date, or Thomas Conolley about those three forms
[iii] I thought about adding an E-R Diagram or a Database Diagram to illustrate the database, then I thought it is really so simple.
[iv] I think the optimum solution is to generate passwords automatically for each assessment, and mail them to students at the assessment day. Regarding exams, we will deliver passwords personally. But, that will need the modification of Students Table to include the email field.
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